SARPI Dorog Kft., one of the country’s most important environmental service providers, contributes significantly to improving the environmental situation of the country by the professional transportation and treatment of hazardous waste, and produces energy from it under strictly controlled conditions. These procedures eliminate substances that are severely harmful to health and the environment. Proper treatment ensures that hazardous waste cannot enter the environment.

The management of SARPI Dorog Kft. is aware that in order to achieve its long-term goals, the company must adopt and enhance best practices for the protection of health and safety, energy efficiency and the environment.

Therefore, in order to maintain and further improve its competitiveness, the company intends to harmonise its business activities, and its endeavours to protect the environment, energy management and the health and safety of its employees based on the following principles. Taking an active part in  the national responsibility programme, the company management  has drawn up its Environmental, Safety and Energy management Policy, and is committed to its implementation, while continuously improving its environmental health and safety and energy efficiency enhancing activities in compliance with environmental and safety regulations.

  • Given the fact that the incinerator is installed and operated near Dorog, Tokodaltáró and Esztergom-Kertváros areas, we always act prudently when using land or carrying out on-site activities.
  • When designing new investments and developments, both the environmental, safety and energy efficiency aspects are taken into account as much as possible. We believe in the principle of emergency prevention. When designing and developing our activities, we prefer solutions that are environmentally friendly, safe and energy efficient.
  • In every stage of the incineration technology, emissions are continuously monitored and, as much as possible, reduced.
  • Our company aims to transport hazardous waste in accordance with the relevant legal and technical regulations in a way that excludes environmental pollution.
  • Our energy recovery system has efficiently been implemented and operated.
  • We are actively involved in environmental policy-making.
  • We support the environmental activities of Dorog and its surroundings.
  • We indirectly support the heat supply in the region.
  • We feel obliged to comply fully with the laws and the regulatory requirements and to meet customer and ethical requirements. We cooperate with the competent authorities.
  • Our environmental, health and safety and energy efficient objectives and guidelines are constantly being developed.
  • In order to protect the health and safety of our employees, we identify potential hazards at the workplace; regularly evaluate the health and safety risks of our activities, which we try to minimize by employing planned measures.
  • We strive to create an appropriate workplace environment which allows high quality work.
  • We keep increasing the safety of our operations so that we can minimise damage or prevent serious damage. We continually improve the personal and technological conditions, thus providing a safe work environment.
  • We support the training and development of our employees as they can play a role in building a new environmental and energy saving approach and in increasing safety at the workplace.
  • We pay particular attention to the effective management of information flow regarding environmental, health and safety and energy management, as well as the information of employees, the authorities and the general public.
  • We continuously monitor our energy consumption data and strive to improve energy efficiency.
  • We expect our employees to work responsibly, and to follow rules and instructions.We provide the resources necessary for the efficient operation of the company (personal and material conditions, technical tools and methods), and the operation and continuous development of the integrated management system.

SARPI Dorog Kft. is a member of the Association of Environmental Enterprises.

We represent and promote environmentally conscious management.

Our policies are available to any interested parties.